Monday, 16 March 2009

Day 8

Afternoon all my lovelies and I've had a busy morning on the phone whilst Girl Friday has been out. I have a friend in Australia that I haven't been able to speak to for a long time so we had loads to catch up on - so much so that I fell asleep about about the first 2 hours on the phone - we had a lot to catch up on

Tune in again soon to see what else I have been up to heheheheheheheh

Pumpkin xxxxx


  1. OMG What it that bill going to be. You won't be able to get any nice food and will just be eating beans on toast like me. LOL I have something on my blog for you cause you are fabby. Hazelxox

  2. I hope pumpkin is
    or you will have to get a lock for your phone. Have a good day Caxx

  3. Oh, Pumpkin you are so cute, can't wait to see what you get up to next. I'm going to start stalking you so I don't miss reading your adventures. Christine x

  4. Oh Pumpkin! your girl Friday wont like the bill...but hey you got to catch up with your friends when you can.

    Sue x
