Wednesday 2 February 2011

Happy New Year (yeah I know is February)

That Girl Friday has been a bit of a busy bee and has been neglecting me - I should report her really to the Cats Protection League but I'm not sure they would take my complaint seriously.

So not only has she been going out and about more, she's now uprooted me and flipping moved too but she has found me a nice snug fireplace to sleep next too all day so I will let her off for now.

I am hoping to be able to blog more from now on as Girl Friday leaves her laptop on the table and I can get to it easier :-)

Tune in again soon to see what else I have been up to heheheheheheheh Pumpkin xxxxx

Sunday 1 November 2009

Shortbread has arrived in da house

Yesterday, Girl Friday decided to take herself off out for the day - she said something about going to a show with sausage dogs - the least she could have done was bought a sausage back for me - but no, what does she come back with? Shortbread. SHORTBREAD??? What sort of a name is Shortbread? Fancy calling yourself after something that human slaves like to eat - stupid dog. I suppose you want to see who Shortbread is now - well here he is trying to say hello to me but I am far too tired to chat to him right now - he can stand fanning me for a while as despite it being raining today, it quite warm so he might as well make himself useful now that he's here .......

He used to work in a nightclub apparently as a Tom Jones impersonator and when Girl Friday can work it out, no doubt she'll add the video for you - he had better not start practising his moves whilst I am trying to sleep or he'll be right out the window :-)

Tune in again soon to see what else I have been up to heheheheheheheh

Pumpkin xxxxx

Saturday 12 September 2009

She's scrapped me now - cruel GF - I'll get my own back

If that GF thinks she can get rid of me that quick, she has another think coming. She's scrapped me - but I've not seen my replacement yet - but I'll have all the claws out and will spit and hiss at who-ever Girl Friday thinks she is going to replace me with. She didn't even tell me she was thinking of scrapping me - she just went ahead and did it.
I don't know how much longer I will be here but to all my fans, PLEASE don't let GF scrap me - I'm too young to be scrapped

Tune in again soon to see what else I have been up to heheheheheheheh

Pumpkin xxxxx

Wednesday 19 August 2009

Cool for cats

Phew, has it been hot today here or what???? So whilst Girl Friday was out and about on her broombike, I took advantage of the whirly thing that was standing around being lazy and told it to do its thing and keep me cool.

I hear Girl Friday saying something about is costing "money" and that it uses "electricalicity" but I am a cat and menial things like that (whatever they are) are WAY WAy Way way below me - thats what I have a Girl Friday for.
Doesn't everything run on batteries then like me?
Oh well, off to have another nap. Meow for now xxx

Tune in again soon to see what else I have been up to heheheheheheheh

Pumpkin xxxxx

Sunday 9 August 2009

This is Big Brother - who goes? I decide ........................

Friday evening saw a new housemate enter into the BB house - his name was Charlie. Initially he introduced himself and I put him in his place. I had the high ground on the cushion on the table - whilst he got the carpet on the floor.
Then on Saturday evening when the stupid boy decided to practice his high diving from the edge of the toilet seat into the toilet bowl, I warmed to him a bit and on Sunday, whilst Girl Friday was out doing whatever she does, Charlie and I snuggled up on the sofa and caught up with a bit of telly.
But then at 7pm this evening, Big Brother announced which housemate had been evicted and it was Charlie and he has now gone home.
He may come back to spend the weekend and it will be fine by me

Tune in again soon to see what else I have been up to heheheheheheheh

Pumpkin xxxxx

Sunday 5 July 2009

Dogs ????????? What is Girl Friday thinking !!!!!

What IS that Girl Friday thinking bringing a DOG into the house !!!!! At least it can't roam about the flat like I can though - this one seems to be trapped inside a little pink box and to get it to bark or do anything you have to poke it with a little pink stick - very odd behaviour if you ask me.
Girl Friday talks to it though - she calls it Poppy - now forgive me, but I am sure that poppies are little red or blue flowers that grow in fields (then again a Pumpkin is a large orange vegetable that grows in a field too so I can't really comment there can I ).
Poppy can't be very well behaved though as Girl Friday keeps telling the pink box to "Sit Down" or "Lay Down" . ha, she doesn't have to tell me to do that - I must be a good little kitty
Oh well, back to my nap, take care everyone
Meow xxx

Tune in again soon to see what else I have been up to heheheheheheheh

Pumpkin xxxxx

Tuesday 19 May 2009

Sorry to have been away so long

Good morning faithful followers and may I start by apologising for my absence - I have so much sleeping to do since Girl Fridays water falling device got fixed as with all the activity going on, I didn't get a lot of sleep so I have had to catch up. And thank you to Jan for worrying about me being trapped under the floorboards - I wasn't xxx.

I heard the man that came to stick white squares on the wall say to Girl Friday that he was worried about me as I hadn't moved from the bed the entire time he was there - the poor man hadn't realised that I run on batteries not Go-Cat LOLOLOLOL

I have decided that's its time I got in better shape - all this sleeping could be doing damage to my waistline so as Girl Friday isn't using this strange device very much, I thought I would give it a go instead - but its such hard work and makes a little kitty like me very tired - not very comfy to nap on but I'm a cat so I'll sleep anywhere

Tune in again soon to see what else I have been up to heheheheheheheh

Pumpkin xxxxx