Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Day 3 and I'm in trouble now ...

... but is it my fault that Girl Friday left the ribbon box accessible???? It looked like a very cosy spot for a nap, so I had to try it out.

Girl Friday has put the lid back on the box now and put it up on top of a storage trolley so I can't get at it anymore - I am only little of course and the effort to jump up on the trolley would completely wear me out and I'd have to have a nap again.

Tune in again soon to see what else I have been up to heheheheheheheh

Pumpkin xxxxx


  1. Only you would have a blog for your stuffed cat! We always said that you should write a book. Hope Pumpkin keeps out of mischief today.

  2. Great blog Pumpkin welcome to the cat world.
    But a word from to oldies you dont get caught in mischeif...........

    Love Pepe and Tia Mariaxxxxxxx

  3. Lol sounds like pumpkin is feeling at home
    He'll be making a card next.lol Have a good day Cazz

  4. oooo does Pumpkin live anywhere near the Imagenation crafting village, I think a story or two might decend upon us if he does!!!

  5. once upon a time, not so long ago, there was a dizzy witch and her name was cazz. she lived in a little flat. it was a cosy little flat but had something missing. while out shopping one day she found curled up in a shop window a cat. this was her something missing she thought.And named him Pumpkin.
    cazz's cat pumpkin was the most important, the most beautiful, the most magical battery operated cat in the whole wide world.

    When Cazz goes of out to work Pumpkin would wake and have lots of fun, not only go ratting and catch a hamster, play with churchill and rumage in the ribbons to curl up and sleep

    pumkin that battery operated cat would give a big yawn and settle down in the same spot he was in b4 cazz went work,so she never knew what he had been up to and when pumpkin sleeps so does his friends hamster and churchill.

    he may be a battery operated cat, that dont need to much caring for.
    but Dizzy witch Cazz loved him.

    sorry reminded me abit of Bag puss. bless ya cazz. look forward to reading more of pumpkins going on's
    Bev xx

  6. Love it Cazz......ooppps sorry Pumpkin LOL I feel a story book coming from this......The Adventures of Pumpkin In Cazzland!!!!!

  7. There you go Cazz Bev has started your book now you can add Pumpkins adventures
