Sunday, 1 November 2009

Shortbread has arrived in da house

Yesterday, Girl Friday decided to take herself off out for the day - she said something about going to a show with sausage dogs - the least she could have done was bought a sausage back for me - but no, what does she come back with? Shortbread. SHORTBREAD??? What sort of a name is Shortbread? Fancy calling yourself after something that human slaves like to eat - stupid dog. I suppose you want to see who Shortbread is now - well here he is trying to say hello to me but I am far too tired to chat to him right now - he can stand fanning me for a while as despite it being raining today, it quite warm so he might as well make himself useful now that he's here .......

He used to work in a nightclub apparently as a Tom Jones impersonator and when Girl Friday can work it out, no doubt she'll add the video for you - he had better not start practising his moves whilst I am trying to sleep or he'll be right out the window :-)

Tune in again soon to see what else I have been up to heheheheheheheh

Pumpkin xxxxx

1 comment:

  1. A bit of company for you when GF is out.....and you can always blame him for anything that happens when it's not supposed to. (Don't tell GF I said that though!)

    Sue x
