Thursday, 9 April 2009

Helping with the decorating

My Girl Friday has that man of hers coming over today to do some more painting in my home so I thought that out of the courtesy of my good heart, I would help him out and make a start. Well the effort of getting the paint pot out of the cupboard and collecting the paint tray and roller has totally worn me out and I can't be bothered now so I shall have a nap. Man Friday better not wake me up when he comes in - I'll pee in his motorbike helmet if he does!!

Tune in again soon to see what else I have been up to heheheheheheheh

Pumpkin xxxxx


  1. Mind you don't get paint on your paws and
    tread it into the carpet, otherwise GF will not
    be best pleased. :)

    You can come and stay with me if she gets rough.

  2. Yeah I agree with Jan, when Jess was wee she got paint all over her paws and my carpet. I shut her out of the room I was painting in so she decieded to clean it off herself and fell down the toilet! LOL She was only 8 weeks old!!!
    Be a good Kitty, Hazelxo
